
If you are wondering about the motivation behind creating yet another Python library to create PDF files? The answer is simple. The Python ecosystem does not have a library that is simple enough to use while providing the means to create rich beautiful professional PDFs. Either they are simple yet lacking certain features or they are fully featured but difficult to use.

That’s great. Is PdfPug the solution to the above problem? Well, it is intended to be. At the moment, it is still in its infancy to match up to that expectation. But that is the vision that drives the development efforts of PdfPug. Also, balancing features with ease of use is a difficult balance to achieve, but something that is worth trying.

How do we measure success? Just about anyone should be able to create professional looking PDFs in a live coding session. It should not be intimidating.

If this is something that excites you, and you are interested in helping make that a reality, then please do check out the Contributing Guide.